Icing on the cake

Check out the last house we completed in this 3 lot subdivision. What a way to finish the development with a stunning two storey colorsteel home with timber lining to the wing walls and soffit. The striking glass balustrade gives the kwila deck extra appeal while gazing out to the sea views. This home was built on the rear section of the development so space and access was always going to be a challenge for us. Being able to use the council reserve next door helped ease some of the space constraints typical of a two storey build. Stairs, cranes and multiple layers of scaffold all add to the fun and challenge! We are proud of the home we have built and as always learn alot form each and every development. This now completes our development at 40 Egmont with all three home and land packages sold and now being enjoyed by their new owners.

Mat Koubaridis

10 March 2024