Subdivision Process

Feasibility Report

This is the most important step in the process. Our team sit down with you to discuss your intentions and goals, then take an in-depth look into all characteristics of your section and research the costs you are likely to encounter. Remember just because you can subdivide doesn’t always mean it is the right option. Our investigation covers the serviceability of your section, potential risks and in-depth advice specific to your site. This helps us formulate a strategy that makes up your unique Feasibility Report.

first phase in the subdivision process
consenting phase in the subdivision process

Consent Application

Once you have decided subdividing is the right option for you, and we have a clear strategy in place, we then begin preparing the consent application for your subdivision. This may include surveying, designs and plans for services, landscaping, right-of-way, houses, etc.

Resource consent is then lodged with council and we will work with council direct on your behalf to resolve any questions or concerns they might have.


When resource consent has been granted, the approved document will have a list of conditions. At this stage we can start completing all the physical work on site. Section2 will oversee the works and make sure we meet council specifications every step of the way. We will also arrange competitive quotes from contractors for the work and compare these to our original projections to make sure financially we are still on track.

construction phase in the subdivision process
Final stage of the process, gaining title through LINZ.

Council approval and Title

When construction is complete and conditions are met we will apply for sign off from council that all conditions of the subdivision have been met.

Your lawyer will then prepare legal documents to deposit the plan with LINZ. This is the final step in the process before your new Titles are issued and your new sections are legally recognised.

Next steps

If you’re interested in subdividing your property and would like to arrange a feasibility report, please contact us today.