What is a 223 and 224 notice?

When a resource consent is approved for a subdivision and the conditions of the subdivision are sent out with the approval, throughout the conditions there will be specific reference to 223 and 224 notice. We have clients ask us all the time, “What is a 223 and 224 notice?”.

In a nutshell the 223 notice relates primarily to council approving the layout as per the scheme plan lodged by the surveyor. Its all about creating the legal boundaries and easements that make up your new titles and is what eventually gets approved by LINZ (Land Information New Zealand). You don’t really need to think much more about it than that as a good surveyor will take care of all of this on your behalf. Where we would assist is making sure the easements over the titles are going to be setup in the right positions in relation to your future plans, so there are no costly changes needed down the track. We use Harrison & O’Sullivan Surveyors for our survey work and value their experienced advice so we can achieve a smooth easy process for our clients.

224 notice is council’s approval that you have met all conditions of the subdivision. This is where an experienced team project managing your engineering and construction requirements can save you a lot of time and money. Normally your conditions will include services being installed and new vehicle crossing at the very least. Council staff will need to review all service applications, as built plans and engineering documents and construction to make sure all conditions have been met to the satisfaction of the council. Only once the 224 notice has been approved can you apply for your Title with LINZ.

There is alot of work that goes into the background at these stages but you dont need to worry yourself about that as long as you have a good team involved managing your subdivision. This overview is all you really need to know so you have a basic understanding of the process.


14 June 2023